In the run-up to the New Year, Ded Moroz is travelling across foreign countries. He started his pre-New Year journey on December 6. In total, the main winter wizard will visit 11 countries. He has already visited China, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Austria, and India. Armenia, Kazakhstan and Belarus are waiting for Ded Moroz' visit.
Festive events are held at the Embassies of the Russian Federation, "Russian Houses" and Russian schools.
The project is organized by the Vologda Region Government within the framework of international humanitarian cooperation. It is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Festive performances and concerts will be held in all cities, where Ded Moroz is headed. His main mission is to provide everybody with the unique Christmas mood and offer a wonderful taste of Russia. Pre-New Year journey of Ded Moroz will last till December 26.
Теги: Ded Moroz