IV International Lace Festival VITA LACE was held in Vologda on July 15-17. It was devoted to preservation and development of handicrafts as part of the original culture and heritage of the nation.

The program of the festival included lace making competitions and exhibitions, thematic lace making workshops, round-table discussions, fashion shows and numerous accompanying events of a creative and cultural nature.

One of the most spectacular events of the festival was a "Lace Assembly" which was held on the territory of the Vologda State Museum-Reserve on June 16. The event was devoted to the 350th anniversary of the birth of the first Russian emperor, the creator of the Russian fleet Peter the Great. The symbols of the campaign were images of the monogram of the first Russian emperor and the imperial crown. During two hours, participants from Russia, Poland and Estonia made these lace works. As a result of the campaign, 291 lace works were created.

Lace monograms and crowns (160 lace works all in all) created by participants of IV International Lace Festival VITA LACE became part of the lace panel. The organizers faced a difficult creative task - to combine completely different lace items into a single composition. It took several months to create the panel. It will remain in the fund of the Vologda State Museum-Reserve.

Теги: lace
Vologda Oblast official website