The lecture on life of Russian peasants “Trip Deep into History” was organized by the Russian Society "Knowledge" in a unique format. The author's lectures and excursions for young people are held by outstanding representatives from the sphere of culture and art, legendary personalities, governors and members of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The lecture in the Vologda Region was given by Governor Oleg Kuvshinnikov and experts of the Museum of Architecture and Ethnography, an amazing relic of bygone generations at the Village of Semyonkovo.
Young people from the Vologda Region and Yaroslavl Region visited the open air museum at Semyonkovo. They are finalists of the Russian student competition, winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian competition for schoolchildren, and participants of the presidential platform "Russia - a country of opportunities". The young people saw unique examples of wooden architecture - St. George's Church, windmills and peasant houses. The museum experts prepared a special program - theatrical performances, historical reconstructions, and a lecture on the history of Vologda butter.
The museum takes an area of 12.7 hectares. Currently more than 20 exhibit constructions can be found there: a mansion, 12 houses, 6 barns, an ice storage room, a bath-house and chapel (modern replica). All of them were built in the second half of the 19th-early 20th century on the territory of the Vologda Oblast.
Vologda' s wooden architecture represents an entire epoch in the cultural history of the region. Here, with so many stretching forests, wood served as a natural means to put up dwellings, make furniture, household utensils and children's toys, and heat houses. No wonder that in the skillful hands of the craftsmen it would often be transmuted into a work of art conforming to the time-hallowed traditions and designs that only wood can suggest.
A large number of tourists flock to Semenkovo to admire the splendid artistry of the craftsmen who built this wonder in wood.
Теги: semenkovo, Vologda Kremlin