The World Legacy Awards are a groundbreaking collaboration between two giants in the world of travel: National Geographic and ITB Berlin. The awards are unprecedented in their international visibility and promotion, reaching National Geographic's global audience of more than 700 million people worldwide each month through its media platforms, products and events.

The awards showcase leading travel and tourism companies, organizations and destinations – from tour operators and resorts to wilderness regions and major cities – that are driving the positive transformation of the travel industry based on sustainable tourism principles and practices.

Voting for the 2019 National Geographic Traveler Awards, which singles out the year’s best travel destinations began on the nat– website on June 29th.

Online voting continued through October 12, 2019 for the best travel destination in 25 categories: Beach Vacation, Family Vacation, Ski Vacation, Vacation with Excursions, Agricultural Tourism, Tourism for Health, Ecotourism, Adventure Vacation, Discovery of the Year, Best Culinary Tour, Exotic Vacation, Ecological Vacation in Russia, Vacation in Russia with Excursions, Adventure Vacation in Russia, Best International Airline, Best Russian Airline, Best Airport, Best Internet Service, Best Hotel Chain, Best Beach Hotel, and others.

The Vologda Region won the National Geographic Traveler Awards 2019 in Russia’s Ecological Vacation nomination. The region affords a breath – taking panorama of the soaring forests, the expanse of still undeveloped fields and green coppices. The pure pleasures of the great outdoors increase the number of visitors every year.

Теги: tourism
Vologda Oblast official website