On March 20, one of the biggest parks in the Russian North, located near the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery and the Ferapontov Monastery turned 25, having been declared as such on this day in 1992.
Russky Sever National Park (the name of the park means Russian North in Russian) is a national park in the north of Russia, located in the southern part of Kirillovsky District, about 100 kilometres (62 mi) northeast of Vologda. This is one of the unique places of the Russian North.
Created in 1992, the park protects natural and cultural landscapes around the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery and the Ferapontov Monastery, places of great historical significance. Russky Sever National Park covers approximately 166,400 hectares (642.5 sq mi).
There are two wildlife reserves in the Park - Sokolsky and Shalgo-Bodunovsky forests making a fascinating atmosphere for a journey through the soaring trees (the itinerary is being created). They offer acres of woods and forestland. The salubrious air of the pine forest is known to everyboby and attracts visitors. The reserves contain an abundance of wilderness, wildlife and beauty. They abound with rare varieties of plant life. One will no doubt spot lady's slipper orchid, lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis), ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), pasque flower (Pulsatilla patens) and Rubus humulifolius C.A. Mey. Set aside as wildlife preserves there are many species of birds there. The magnetism of this unique area for birdlife rests on its remoteness and abundant food resources. It is osprey or fish eagle (Pandion haliaetus) that is the main attraction. Interestingly enough, ospreys live on fish. They can dive deep to secure piscine prey. The endangered species are included into the Red List. If ospreys breed near a lake it implies that the lake is rich in fish and the water is fresh and clean in it.
The scientists and researchers note that the flora in this part of the Russian North strikes by its diversity, a large amount of plants which are dying and becoming extinct in Russia and Europe. Quite remarkable is the abundance of orchids on the territory of the National Park - about 20 species. They are characterized by the big size, bright and various colouring of flowers. Interestingly enough, such plants of tropical zone as lady's slipper orchid, wasp orchid, marsh orchid and other species grow in the North of Russia.
The Russian North national park in the Vologda Region takes the eighth place in the list of Russia's most popular parks and national preserves, according to a study conducted by TourStat agency.
Теги: Vologda