The bell-ringers’ ensemble of the St. Sophia Cathedral will begin the Sixth Music Festival «Lace» on September 27 at noon. This large event will last till October 4. Residents and guests of the city will be able to see dozens of performances of the leading Russian choirs and symphony orchestras.
«This festival gives a chance for residents and guests of Vologda to become spectators of the unique program in which the Yaroslavl Governor’s Symphony Orchestra and the choir «Yaroslaviya», the male chamber choir and the chamber orchestra of the Vologda Regional Philharmonic Society, the ensemble of soloists «The Pocket Symphony», the ensemble of Igor Bril and many other are due to take part», said employees of the Vologda Regional Philharmonic Society named after V.A. Gavrilin.
The festival will be held on three grounds: in the St. Sophia Cathedral, the Vologda Regional Music College and the Vologda Regional Philharmonic Society. It will culminate in the presentation of a new piece of music «Vologda Lace» composed by Yuri Kasparov.
Теги: Lace Festival