Solemn events marking the opening and closing ceremonies of the literary forum that was held in Vologda from September 10 to 13 were especially popular with local residents and guests of the city.

«The Festival of Poetry and Music «Rubtsov’s Autumn» began with opening ceremonies of several exhibitions. Everybody can see the display «Literary Vologda» in the museum «Literature. Art. 20th Century». It presents photos, autographs, letters, and pages from the personal diaries of the authors who were contemporaries of Nikolai Rubtsov. Some rare editions of the poet’s verse are presented in the Vologda Regional Universal Scientific Library named after I.V. Babushkin. The action «Read Rubtsov» that took place in the public garden in Pobedy Avenue was very interesting. It united hundreds of amateurs of the local poet’s creative work. In all, about 6000 people have attended the festival events this year», noted Nikolai Dyakov, head of the Department of Culture and Cultural and Historical Heritage in the Vologda City Administration.

The festival was concluded with the gala concert «Masters of Rubtsov’s Song» in Revolution Square. Vologda hosted the Festival of Poetry and Music «Rubtsov’s Autumn» for the 18th time. This poetry forum became one more significant event of the Year of Literature in the regional capital.

Теги: Nikolay Rubtsov, Rubtsov’s Autumn
Maria Pozdeeva, Official website of Vologda City Administration